Friday, June 12, 2015

How To Make Money Online From Article Writing

How To Make Money Online From Article Writing – Loads of people have the ability to write articles and make some extra cash, you really just have to be able to write okay English and get enjoyment from typing. If you have both them things then it’s time for you to earn some extra cash. A lot of people I know try article writing and fail, it’s because they don’t want it enough, so before you start this tutorial you’ve got to want to earn money and get places, if you’ve got that then we’re ready to go.
How To Make Money Online From Article Writing

Services That Will Hire You

If you’re just looking to make a little extra money then being hired by a service is a brilliant way to do it, when you’re hired by a service they’ll just tell you what to do every day, they do take a cut but it saves you having to get the people buying articles. Hirewriters is a good place to start, they hire people from America and England to do articles.
I’d probably recommend doing Fiverr before you try this, the reason I say that is:
1. You will build a really nice CV/resume of articles you’ve created, this makes it a lot easier for a site to accept you into their writers program.
2. You can see how much money you’ll earn doing it for yourself, once you get the ball rolling it’s hard to make it stop, so you will start earning a lot of money.
3. Sometimes you need amazing grammar to enroll in these services, this is something that you don’t need to write articles on Fiverr, just keep that in mind.

Site – Service – Make Money Online From Article Writing

The next way to earn money is one of my favourites, just set up a writing service site, i’s not hard to do and if you follow either of these articles you’ll be able to do it within 10 minutes, how to make a website for $14 with no code or how to make a money-making site for $60 with no code.
Both of them tutorials will teach you everything you need to know about setting up a site, then all you need to do is write some examples and add some amazing services at fantastic prices.
I would usually add services like Poetry, Article creation, and Ebook creation, them three things can earn you enough money to stop your job and just write.
You can also add things like: SEO writing, Spinning Articles(The Best Spinner), Press Release Writing, just go and look at other sites that offer article writing.


I’d usually charge cheaper than any other article writing service, I’d do 500 words for about $3,80 each, I’d also allow people to buy writing that’s only 100 to 300 words for $1,75 that way you can’t be beat and will convert nicely high
This can go up once you’ve got some more people on your site, just at the beginning you need it cheaper so you can earn money.

How Many Words Can You Do?

Now before I’d set up something like a writing service I’d always see how many words I can do a day, I know I can write 10,000 words happily and 16,000 words if I’ve got to. That means I could earn 80 to 100 dollars a day writing on a service like this.
That’s almost 700 dollars a week, not to bad, but I would have to enjoy writing. See how many words you can do and see if it’s the right job for you. – If you’ve got any questions on how to make money online from article writing then leave them in the comments.


Okay if you want to earn some big money from article writing then you need to branch out to every possible article service, Freelancer is where I’d come after I’d got a service, site. I’d get a base first where I can advertise and get money for articles.
After that I’d join Freelancer and start getting paid to write articles, I’d send traffic there via my site, Facebook, Ads, and portfolio, and just try to get it high-profile, you just need to sell 50 articles and get good reviews to be able to start earning big money.
You can earn anywhere from $5 to $25 per article depending on what niche you enjoy writing in and how well you write. This is one of my favourite ways to earn money article writing, it’s also a great way to get your name out there.
Once you do this for a month or too you can start thinking about upping the price of your article service, if you offer high quality articles they can go up to $10 per 500 words, but it’s always good to give people the choice to have lower quality words for cheaper.


So you want to start earning even more money, well something that I really recommend is “selling on forums”. A lot of marketing, internet, SEO, and business forums all have sales sections where you can list your article writing service for a small price.
This will boost sales dramatically, it’s something you’ll want to do once you’ve got a little business going, I say that because it will add to the money and you’ll know the work, if you do this first you’ll most likely get over whelmed with sales and start producing bad content.
If you learn how to write SEO optimised articles for a great price then you’ll always be able to earn some extra cash online, you just have to find things people hate doing and do it for them, that really is the easiest way to earn cash.
This is probably one of the quickest ways to get the cash coming, I would recommend getting an info graphic made on the services you offer, these always have a high click-through rate.


We finally made it to fiverr, believe it or not fiverr is one of the best ways to earn money from article writing. It’s quick, easy, cheap, and loads of people use it.
Don’t be put off by getting paid $4 dollars per 500 word article, I think we can all agree that sucks, but if you want to earn quick cash this is the way.
The reason why Fiverr is ideal for money-making is because it doesn’t have to be top quality, as long as you give them 500 words and it’s got correct spelling and makes sense, they will be happy and it will earn you money.
Fiverr is great for a lot things and article writing is one of them, when setting up an article writing service on fiver always give a little more to people.
Make sure you offer the ability to get more words and make sure you’ve got nice wording on your gig, also get a little picture made for the campaign, it’s a great way to get people to click.
Be extra nice and remember to use your friends and family at the beginning, if they give you good reviews it will really start the selling.
You need 50 + 4/5 star reviews before you start selling 10 gigs a day, after you get that you’ll find life easy. Just make sure you work weekends, you’ll not be able to complete the gigs you get if you only work in the week.

Tips & Tricks Of Article Writing

I’ve picked up a lot of tips and tricks while working in article writing and these are some of the main ones.

Get Paid Per 500 to 750 Words

I’ve tried being paid by hour and it never seems to get the same amount as charging per word count, it’s just because you’ll learn how long it takes you to write 500 words after a month or two as with being paid by hour there’s no real way to earn extra cash, it’s all down to what articles you’re writing.
It can sometimes work for the best if you’re writing long articles but I always found it was harder to get people to by my service and that I didn’t earn half the money that I did through charging per word.

Advertise To Friends And Family

At the beginning you’re going to need to bite the bullet and advertise to friends and family, this is one of the only ways to get the ball rolling. On Fiver and freelancer it’s all about the first sales, no one really want’s to be the first person to buy from you.
So make it public and add it to your Facebook profile, even buy people a drink if they give you a positive review, you just need to sell the first 50 after that it will all become easy and you’ll start bringing in more and more money.

Advertise Online

You need to advertise your site, gig, and freelancer page online. You can use forums, Facebook ads, Google AdwordsBuySellAds, anywhere that will offer you a great deal, look at forums and try to find banner ad deals.
Using forum advertising is always the best when it comes to articles you just need to make sure it doesn’t over whelm you, so make sure you do writing before and offer people a time in which they’ll receive their article/s.
Also never say guaranteed satisfaction, that means if they don’t like what you’re selling they can get a full refund.

Create Funny Post

One of the best ways I know to start getting paid big money for writing is to create a really well write article, which is funny, and emotional, then bookmark it on all the big sites: Stumbleupondiggreddit, so on.
Have it on your article writing site and then people who read your awesome writing can then employ you directly. this is something I used to do on all my service sites.

Social Media

Social media will always be the ideal way to get views to your service, you just need to use things like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Linked to get people to buy what you sell, it’s really simple and will make your views go through the roof.
Take a look at our social media articles and learn how to become famous on Facebook and how to get more Tumblr/Twitter followers. This will help sales increase at the beginning.

Another tip

Use Facebook advertising and pay-per-click to your site, gig, or profile, you’ll see a nice conversion if you target right. I really do recommend trying this, I do it on all my money-making sites.


SEO writing is one of the most needed things right now, go and learn how to write SEO optimised content and you’ll be able to start earning money, it really doesn’t take long to learn and it’s really just about entering the keyword and writing it so search engine crawlers don’t get confused.
If you do this and start offering SEO writing as a service you’ll see your money start piling up within no time, this is something that forums will usually buy in a matter of seconds so make sure you give it a try.


I’m going to be doing a full tutorial on setting up an article service and earning money from it, I will show you how I do it and what you need to do to earn $2000 + per month, this really is the ultimate way of doing it so make sure you subscribe to our mail list so I can send you the Ebook for free.
If you do all of the above you’ll easily be able to earn big money so make sure you give it a shot.

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