Friday, June 12, 2015

How I Made 5000 Dollars Online in One Month by Writing for Others


When it comes to making money writing for others – the first thing that will come to the mind of several people is applying for jobs on websites like Elance or Odesk. However, that really isn’t the best way to make money writing.
The difference between succeeding or failing in anything you do is specialization. Just take a look at it, just as some people are making millions of dollars in some fields others are only making thousands. A lot of new bloggers are creating e-Books on various subjects but only the gurus make the killing, why? Because they have something people are willing to learn from.
The truth is people aren’t buying your book or using your services because of the information in it, the price it’s being sold at, or because of the number of pages it has. People are only buying from you because they believe you are the best they can learn from when it comes to that subject.
The difference between someone paying you $1 or $100 per article you write is your specialization. The difference between someone hiring or not hiring you is the level of what you know and can do about a subject. If you think you can easily start writing and make as much as another person in your niche you’re only deceiving yourself. This would be similar to a newbie blogger expecting to be making the same amount as Darren Rowse by selling ebooks on how to make money online, it just is not possible. Darren is an expert on the subject already, he has enough experience, traffic and authority to leverage but you don’t and your best bet will either be to start building yourself as an expert on the same subject as Darren (which takes time) or to focus on another thing you’re already an expert on so that you can achieve your desired results.
The main point is for you to determine what services you have to offer, it doesn’t matter whether it is writing or any other thing, do your best to make yourself one of the best when it comes to this and it will be easier for you to get clients.

How to Get Clients Running After You

One of the questions I get asked the most is how do I get clients for my business? How do I advertise my services etc. The answer to this question goes further to prove the importance of point number one which is to make yourself the best when it comes to the service you have to offer. I don’t advertise my services, I don’t contact people and ask them to become my clients but I have gotten a large number of requests from people who wanted to become clients of mine. In fact, I still have emails from two potential clients who I had to reject this month.
Before I continue, I’d like you to know that I only have 1 client I am working for at the moment and that kind of client is the one anybody will wish to have, because they are understanding, have lots of great jobs for me, and are helpful. My point is –  there is no reason to have 3 clients when it is only 1 you need. You can easily get a client that will be offering you a few jobs every once in a while but the best kind of client is the one that provides you with recurring services.
I get a lot of questions from people asking me to tell them whom I work for and what sites I write for, but one great lesson I learned the hard way (and I’m happy to have learnt it) is to never give people everything they want, because they always want, and sometimes what they want isn’t want they need.
Believe me, my concern today is not to provide wants but to help you get results. That is what this article will focus on. And also, many of us working in the corporate circle will know that there are agreements and you have to respect those agreements wherever you go, at least, if you still want to keep your job. So for those two reasons I won’t be revealing my client or sites I write for but I’ll be doing my best to give you the information you need to get clients, and an idea of how much I charge for an article and how you also can charge effectively.
There are various ways of getting clients to your business; one is by making yourself the go-to source when it comes to your niche so that clients will be the ones running after you. The other one is looking for clients yourself. I’ll be explaining both methods below so that you can easily decide which is best for you.

How to Get Clients Rushing at You

This section will be explaining how to get clients rushing at you and once I’ve covered that I will be going straight to the next point, which is how to find the right clients for your business. Either way, by following both tips carefully you’ll have enough clients to make your business stand tall.
1. Make Yourself the Best When it Comes to What You Have to Offer. There is no other short cut to getting clients rushing at you than to make yourself an expert in your field. It is true that you can easily get a few clients by calling yourself an expert, but you can’t retain them if this is merely a claim. You have to know what you’re doing from the onset.
You should also know that you won’t be working with a single client all the days of your life, no matter how great that client is. But if you’re all you claim to be, they even be the ones referring others to you in the near future.
2. Blog Regularly About the Service You Want Clients For. Even though I have been guest blogging for a long period of time and I have written a lot of guest posts I didn’t get a single client until I did something different. I didn’t have a single client contact me until I started blogging about guest blogging. The same thing applies to you being a web designer. You will start getting a lot of clients once you start teaching people how to tweak their themes, how to configure various aspects of their blog etc., not because you know how to do it but because you’ve proved to them regularly, as a result of the free information you give them, that you truly know what you’re saying.
3. Always Utilize the Power of Social Proof. Making use of social proof is the most important thing to do to get more clients running after you. In today’s world, people no longer buy knowledge, they buy results. What you know and teach people every day is knowledge but showing them your results and giving them case studies of how your methods work is a sure-fire way to make them fans forever. A blog post that was the turning point of my writing career was: how I wrote 270 guest posts in 8 months, even though I never asked for clients in that post it still keeps on bringing me clients to date.
I go into more details on how to get clients to reach out to you in Stop Pitching Clients, a system that outlines my approach to getting clients to directly contact me through my blog.
Now that we’ve examined how you can get clients running after you, the next thing to visit is how you can find clients for your business. The truth is it doesn’t matter how great or effective a strategy is, it won’t work for everybody so if you’re not getting any results with the methods above – the ones below will definitely give you results.

How to Find the Right Clients for Your Business

Below are some great tips to help you get the right clients for your business.
1. Know What You’re Offering. A major mistake many people make when trying to get clients is not knowing exactly what they have to offer, in order words, these people are only in it because of the money and not because they want to help others get results.
The first step to getting real clients for your business is you knowing what you have to offer because nobody will give his/her work to someone who isn’t sure of what he/she can do. Be clear about what service you’re offering and don’t just start offering other services because it is working for others.
2. Profile a List of People in Need of Your Service. The next step after knowing clearly what you have to offer is to profile a list of individuals and companies who are in need of your service. If you’re a writer this can be big companies who have a blog that isn’t updated regularly and if you’re a designer this can be people in need of better web design. A very important step here, though, is to ensure you only contact people who can pay your prices. For example, it will be a mistake to contact new bloggers using free themes to hire you as a marketer for their business so this requires you to be very specific.
3. Start Contacting those You Profiled. Once you’ve profiled a list of potential clients you can start contacting them with your proposal. The first thing you have to do, because you’re the one contacting themis to tell them the importance of using your service, the kind of people you’ve worked for, what results you’ve gotten, and why you think you’re the best for them. If you have profiled the right people and you contact enough clients you will get far more results than you expect on the long run.

How to Write Faster and Efficiently

Another question I get asked often is how many articles can I write in an hour or how do I write very fast? I can type as many as 80 words in 1 minute and I can write up to five 600+ words articles in less than 1 hour, just by implementing a particular writing formula. This section will be explaining how I write fast and efficiently and I hope you will also be able to do the same by the time you finish reading this article.
1. Research First. My first step to writing fast and efficiently is research, and when I say research I don’t just mean research, but effective research. This kind of research is the one requiring you to spend hours reading on the subject you’re writing about so that you can write on it without interruption. What I do in this case is first visit the category of the subject I’m writing about on Ezine Articles, by reading as many articles as I can and by noting points and titles at the same time, by the time I finish I’d have gotten tens of titles, hundreds of points and I’d be able to write as many posts as I want uninterrupted. By using this method, I was able to write 12 posts on various subjects in just 1 day last month.
2. Write. After researching you should have gotten enough points and titles to be able to come up with an article of your own. Once I’ve finished researching I will then disconnect myself from the internet (to avoid distractions) and then start to write as much as I can until I start having headaches. Believe me, it works!
The above are 2 basic steps I follow whenever I want to write, and believe me, they work like magic.

How to Charge the Right Price for Your Services

Another question I get asked often is how much I charge per article, some people are expecting a flat rate but most freelance writers will know there is nothing like that. The amount I charge depends on my clients and what I will gain for working with them and I have charged as much as $100 for writing a single article. In fact, I would never charge less than $50 to write an article for you.
By reading the above statement I know some people will be amazed and will believe it is damn easy for me to make money, but believe me, it is all about what you have to offer. There are people like Carol Tice who charge far more than I do for far less work and it is because of what they have achieved, how they are viewed and what they have to offer. The first thing you need to do is develop your service first, once you have a solid service you can then go on with setting your price.
It is highly important for you to also know that not everybody will be willing to pay your price. Before signing a contract (with the current company I’m with) to not work with other clients,  I encountered people who me wanted to write for them for as low as $3 per article. In fact, when I told them how much I want to charge they didn’t even bother replying my emails. In essence, the main thing is being careful with which clients you choose, having something really valuable to offer and knowing that you cannot work with everybody.
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1 comment:

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